Thursday, 29 August 2019

What is the use of radiocarbon dating?

What is the use of radiocarbon dating? Or How is the age of a fossil determined? Or What is Carbon dating? How is it used to determine the age of fossils June-2010, QNo-91 Radiocarbon dating is a technique which determines the age of ancient bts of fassal by means of measuring the amount of carbon-14 left in an bet This is nowe the most widely used method of age estimation in the of archeology To detgminethe radiocarbon age of an organic material like fossil it snossan measuze the prootion of radiocarbon (140 in the carbon eat t cotins Thereare curmentiy two methods in use for doing this, ie nimrccounting and accelerator mass spectrometry Radiometric counting in whic rate of radioactive decay of the 14Cin the material s measred Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, in which a particle accelerator is sed to directly count the relative mbers of the atoms of the different ben isctopes present Once the 14C content-is known it is compared to that of a standard material. The difference betwween the sample material and the standard is mihuted to the time that has elapsed since the sample was alive". For exanple, the radiocarbon age of a piece of wood gives the time since the aood was growing the material

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