Thursday, 29 August 2019

What features in Indian society led to the decline of science in the post-Gupta period?

What features in Indian society led to the decline of science in the post-Gupta period? IDec-2011, Q.No-4(a)l Or Write any two factors which were responsible for the decline of science in post-Gupta period. Ans. The post-Gupta period was a period of stagnation and decline. The f collapse of the Roman and Sassanian empires, with which Indian had a flourishing and profitable trade, led to a serious setback to trade and commerce. This was accompanied by the rise of small fiefdoms within the empire who were constantly on the look out for asserting their independence. The small fiefdoms encouraged an economy in which villages or groups of villages tended to become largely self-sufficient, thus discouraging trade The caste system again became more firmly entrenched, exalting the u privileges of the Brahmins and emphasising the social and religious disabilities of the Sudras. A large number of castes, such as potters, weavers, goldsmiths, musicians, barbers, road-makers and others practising similar crafts were regarded as low. The intellectual effort was directed towards justifying and maintaining the rigid caste system. The general decay in society is also reflected in the were considered mentally iaferior and denied the right to study Vedas. The marriageable age of girls was lowered from sixteen or seventeen years in the Vedic period to six or eight years, thus, destroying the opportunity ( for their personal development. With this, the story of remarkable phase in the development of science in ancient India was terminated [Dec-2010, Section-A, Q.No.-3(i)1 tion of women during that period. They

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