Application Oriented Course in Nutrition for the Community
(TMA- 1)
Course Code: ANC-1
Assignment Code : ANC-1/AS T-1/TMA-1/2019-20
For July 2019 admission: Last Date of Submission: 30th March, 2020
For January 2020 admission: Last Date of Submission: 30th October, 2020
Maximum marks: 100
Section A – Descriptive Type Questions (40 marks)
There are ten short questions in this part. Answer all questions. Answer each question in about
200-250 words.
1. a) Define food, nutrition and health. (2)
b) What is the meaning of the term water balance? Briefly discuss the
role of water in our body(2)
2. Enumerate and illustrate the digestion, absorption and utilization of food
in our body. (4)
3. a) Explain the role of the Vitamin A and iron in our body. List few
food sources. (2)
b) Explain giving examples, two major types of food contaminants
that we need to worry about. (2)
4. List the dietary considerations that you would keep in mind while planning
meals for each of the following : (2+2)
a) Adolescent girl
b) Lactating mother
5. a) Briefly explain the role of grades, brands and labels while selecting
food products. (2)
b) What do you understand by food spoilage? List the causative factors
of food spoilage. (2)
6. a) List two measures you would like to adopt to prevent PEM in a
village/community. (2)
b) What do you understand by the expression synergism between
malnutrition and infection? (2)
7. Briefly discuss the dietary modifications you would advocate for the following: (2+2)
a) Diabetes mellitus
b) Hypertension
8. What are the objectives and components of the followings: (2+2)
a) Mid-day meal programme
9. a) Enumerate the anthropometric measurements used in assessment of
nutritional status. (2)
b) What is a cyclic menu? Illustrate a cyclic menu for a student hostel. (2)
10. Give reasons for the following : (1+1+1+1)
a) Addition of sodium benzoate to jelly
b) Vitamin C play important role in wound healing
c) Refined flour like maida and suji have less thiamine as compared to
whole wheat flour.
d) Sodium helps in regulating alkalinity of body fluids
Section B - Practical Activities (40 marks)
1. What is a balanced diet? List the steps involved in preparing a balanced
diet. Using these steps plan a balanced diet for a pregnant women in the
nd triemester of pregnancy belonging to low socio-economic group. (10)
2. Record the food intake of a college going girl for one day using the
following table: Evaluate the meal and comment whether the diet is balanced. (10)
Meal Menu Ingredients Comments
Evening snacks
3. Prepare any two nutritious snacks – one for a child of 2 years of age and second
for an adolescent. Your answer must specify: (10)
a) Name of the snack
b) List of Ingredients
c) Method of preparation
d) Food sources contributing to the important nutrients required by the specific individuals.
e) Justify the selection of snack (from nutritional stand point) for the child and for the
4. Describe in details any four cooking practices common in your region for
cooking (pulses/Rice/Wheat/Maize etc.). Predict the nutrients which are likely
to be lost to a substantial degree in each. (10)
Section C - Objective Type Questions (OTQ) (20 marks)
1. Define the following in 2-3 sentences: (5)
a) Food adulteration
b) Food budget
c) Lathyrism
d) Amylase rich food
e) RDA
2. Differentiate between the following sets of terms giving examples: (5)
a) Available and non-available carbohydrates
b) Essential and non essential amino acids
c) Xeropthalmia and Keratomalacia
d) Food laws and food standards
e) Pasteurisation and sterilization
3. List the deficiency and food sources of the following nutrients/substances: (5)
a) Thiamine
b) Niacin
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamin B12
e) Iodine
4. Fill in the blanks: (5)
a) ………………. is the storage form of glucose in the body
b) Pulses are lacking in the amino acid …………. and rich in ……………..
c) All fats and oils are made up of ………… and ………….
d) Moisture on the surface of food encourages the growth of ……………. and …………
e) On an average ……………ml of milk is secreted per day during lactation.
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