Wednesday, 16 October 2019

The American Dream In All My Sons

The American Dream In All My Sons

Frank: "That boy's going to be a real doctor; he's smart. [...] It's an honorable profession." (Act 1: Miller 8)

The American Dream is something that people long for to be honored in society as great achiever or as someone who has changed the society in someway either big or small. But the main part about The American Dream is the honor and respect that come along with it. In this quote it is obvious that Frank Lubey believes that it is very important to be respected in America, especially as a person and worker. America is the land of opportunity, in which many immigrate to in order to find new opportunities or to even start fresh here or start of the family in America. To be respected by society, in America, is something that all Americans want, long and work at. In which Frank believes that it is something that everyone should aspire and work for. Here you are able to be who ever or whatever you like, without much judgment, which is something that is not available in many countries, hence why many immigrate here. Because without respect everything and everyone would be able to be a doctor and if you were either the best or worst, you would be treated the same.

Chris: "I want a family, I want some kids, I want to build something I can give myself to." (Act 1: Miller 15)

Chris once he is able to break free from his parents longs to live The American Dream. He would love to start a family and build his own life the way he wants, not the way that his parents want him to. One of the most important rights in America that we have unlike other countries is freedom. With this right we are able to make more choices on our own without government interference and they way we would like, but with limits. Most people in America dream about one day having a family of their own and being able to support that family with their skills and the things that they build on their own. This is exactly what Chris wants and although his parents have held him back, through the story he is ready to move on and get his American Dream by marrying Ann and having children with her. Chris is extremely passionate about doing things in his own and would love to make his own choices, as he is an adult. The ideal American would have a family, kids, and a job that they are passionate about and supports their family. Most, immigrate to America to be free and make the choices that they want, in order to live their lives in the style that they choose, which is basically in a nutshell The American Dream; to be free and make decisions and live life your way.
"Keller: We'll talk about it. I'm going to build you a house, stone, with a driveway from the road. I want you to spread out, Chris, I want you to use what I made for you . . . (He is close to him now.) . . . I mean, with joy, Chris, without shame . . . with joy." (Miller 33)

Joe Keller would love for his son Chris to enjoy what America has to offer on his, but of course with some help from his father. He would love for Chris to endure his life without any hardships or obstacles like he had to. A dream of Joe’s of for the factory to run both smoothly and successfully with Chris, but this is not Chris’ American Dream, it’s his father’s. Joe enjoys likes the idea of giving his boy everything he never had, this is the perfect example of the American Dream, which many people do in order to make the lives of the children the best they can be, so that they can pass their views and ethics upon to the next generation. However, Chris would like to be free from what his father wants and would love to do what he wants most to marry Ann and start a family, this is his American Dream.

"Chris: Yes. I like it an hour a day. If I have to grub for money all day long at least at evening I want it beautiful. I want a family, I want some kids, and I want to build something I can give myself to. (Act 1: Miller 15)

Chris begins to tell his father about his dream of marrying Ann and moving away to start a family of their own. Joe is upset because his dream for Chris was to run the family business, but Chris thought otherwise. Chris longs to create a life of his own, something that he can call “his”. This is the American Dream because Chris, like many other Americans, wants to leave home and create a life of their own. Chris shows that he is very confident in is decision to marry Ann, because he will make it happen no matter what it takes, also showing the American Dream by those who want change doing anything that it takes to get it.

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