Ignou Subjects
- Bag Courses Ignou Study Material
- E P S 12
- BPSE 212
- EHI 04
- EHI 03
- EHI 02
- EHI 01 / B.H.I.C 134
- ESO 11
- B.S.H.F 101
- F.S.T 01
- B.E.G.E 108 /B.E.G.E 134
- B.E.G.E 107 / B.E.G.E 142
- B.E.G.E 106 / B.E.G.E 143
- B.E.G.E 105 / B.E.G.E 141
- B.E.G.E 104 / B.E.G.E 135
- B.E.G.E 103 / B.E.G.E 136
- B.E.G.E 102 / B.E.G.L.A 138
- B.E.G.E 101 / B.E.G.L.A 137
Guess Papers
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Paragraphs l to 3 describe the author's current place of imprisonment and the sense of joy he experiences on being close to the mountains and the greenery surrounding his prison. There is no bitterness on being confined to a solitary stay in a prison. On the contrary, the writer has the rare ability to find joy even in the cool night air and trees and mountains that he can view at a far off distance.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Ethics in All My Sons
Ethics in All My Sons
"Frank: The trouble with you is, you don't believe in anything.
Jim: And your trouble is that you believe in anything." (Act 1: Miller 8)
Here Frank Lubey and Dr. Jim Bayliss are talking about Lubey’s work with his newfound passion astrology relating to Larry’s horoscope. Horoscopes are most definitely based off the ideas of ethics and what one believes morally right within their society. Kate Keller, who asked Lubey to work on Larry’s (her son’s) horoscope was done in order to find out his “favorable day” to see if he was still alive out in the war. Kate believes that he is and also believes that horoscopes are morally and ethically right and should be used more often. But her husband Joe believes that astrology and horoscopes are things are unethical. He believes that they are waste of time and don't exist and Frank is studying a whole bunch of untrue and useless ideas. This display of actions shows to men that believe in two different ethical ways.
"Keller. [...] She thinks he's coming back, Chris. You marry that girl and you're pronouncing him dead. Now what's going to happen to Mother? Do you know? I don't!" (Act 1: Miller 15)
This quote is between a conversation between Chris and Joe Keller. Before Larry went off to war, he was had plans to marry Ann Deever. Kate Keller, Larry’s mom believes that he is still alive out there and Ann should just keep waiting for his return so that they can pursue their marriage. But, since he has been gone for three years, Chris, Joe Keller’s other son has built up a tight relationship with Ann. Chris and Ann wish to marry, but Kate does not approve and tries to keep the two as far way form each other as she can. Joe does believe that if the two were to marry, it would be unethical and unfair to Kate because of all of the hard work she has done trying to find out if Larry is still alive, but little does she know that Ann knows most definitely that he is not because she had received a suicide note from him on his favorable day.
"Chris. For me! - I was dying everyday and you were killing my boys and you did it for me? What the hell do you think I was thinking of, the Goddamn business? Is that as far as your mind can see, the business? What is that, the world - the business?" (Act 2: Line 257: Miller 59)
This quote is a true example of ethics shown in the story because Chris is questioning his father, Joe Keller's right to ship the faulty plane parts in order to support his family and business. Joe went through with his decision, because it was either live or die for his family, and because he is family oriented man he thought that his decision was best. Chris questioned his father, trying to get out of him why he had done such a thing if it were to the risk the lives of 120 innocent men. If it was only for the sake and importance of the business and making money, then why was it right to risk the lives of those of whom you consider your sons and family. Joe and Chris, even though they are father and son, share two completely divergent ethics. While Joe believed it was right to ship the parts in order to save his family, what he considered they most important thing in the world to him, Chris sees the situation completely different. Chris, however, thinks that if he was going to make a decision based upon keeping his family up and hurting/killing others that his choice cannot be defended either way. Joe’s decision brings up range of how far and how ethically someone can support their family, by either risking the lives of others or financially struggling for sometime. There are out there sides in society that can defend this issue either way, based upon how you view ethics.
Mother: " We rushed into it. Everybody was in such a hurry to bury him"
Chris: "The wind blew it down. What significance has that got?" (18)
Kate believes that when they placed a tree in memory of Larry, it happened all way too quickly. She thinks that everyone was in such a rush and before much thought went into the situation, they went ahead and placed the tree there when it should have been placed once they knew if Larry was alive or not. Chris ethically believed that the tree had blown down on purpose, trying to explain to his mother that it was truly a sign that his brother Larry in indeed dead and the act of tree falling symbolizes his death. During this conversation both Chris and Kate are displaying two completely different ethically and superstitious views on whether the tree was planted too early or if due to the tree falling was as sign of Larry’s death.
The American Dream In All My Sons
The American Dream In All My Sons
Frank: "That boy's going to be a real doctor; he's smart. [...] It's an honorable profession." (Act 1: Miller 8)
The American Dream is something that people long for to be honored in society as great achiever or as someone who has changed the society in someway either big or small. But the main part about The American Dream is the honor and respect that come along with it. In this quote it is obvious that Frank Lubey believes that it is very important to be respected in America, especially as a person and worker. America is the land of opportunity, in which many immigrate to in order to find new opportunities or to even start fresh here or start of the family in America. To be respected by society, in America, is something that all Americans want, long and work at. In which Frank believes that it is something that everyone should aspire and work for. Here you are able to be who ever or whatever you like, without much judgment, which is something that is not available in many countries, hence why many immigrate here. Because without respect everything and everyone would be able to be a doctor and if you were either the best or worst, you would be treated the same.
Chris: "I want a family, I want some kids, I want to build something I can give myself to." (Act 1: Miller 15)
Chris once he is able to break free from his parents longs to live The American Dream. He would love to start a family and build his own life the way he wants, not the way that his parents want him to. One of the most important rights in America that we have unlike other countries is freedom. With this right we are able to make more choices on our own without government interference and they way we would like, but with limits. Most people in America dream about one day having a family of their own and being able to support that family with their skills and the things that they build on their own. This is exactly what Chris wants and although his parents have held him back, through the story he is ready to move on and get his American Dream by marrying Ann and having children with her. Chris is extremely passionate about doing things in his own and would love to make his own choices, as he is an adult. The ideal American would have a family, kids, and a job that they are passionate about and supports their family. Most, immigrate to America to be free and make the choices that they want, in order to live their lives in the style that they choose, which is basically in a nutshell The American Dream; to be free and make decisions and live life your way.
"Keller: We'll talk about it. I'm going to build you a house, stone, with a driveway from the road. I want you to spread out, Chris, I want you to use what I made for you . . . (He is close to him now.) . . . I mean, with joy, Chris, without shame . . . with joy." (Miller 33)
Joe Keller would love for his son Chris to enjoy what America has to offer on his, but of course with some help from his father. He would love for Chris to endure his life without any hardships or obstacles like he had to. A dream of Joe’s of for the factory to run both smoothly and successfully with Chris, but this is not Chris’ American Dream, it’s his father’s. Joe enjoys likes the idea of giving his boy everything he never had, this is the perfect example of the American Dream, which many people do in order to make the lives of the children the best they can be, so that they can pass their views and ethics upon to the next generation. However, Chris would like to be free from what his father wants and would love to do what he wants most to marry Ann and start a family, this is his American Dream.
"Chris: Yes. I like it an hour a day. If I have to grub for money all day long at least at evening I want it beautiful. I want a family, I want some kids, and I want to build something I can give myself to. (Act 1: Miller 15)
Chris begins to tell his father about his dream of marrying Ann and moving away to start a family of their own. Joe is upset because his dream for Chris was to run the family business, but Chris thought otherwise. Chris longs to create a life of his own, something that he can call “his”. This is the American Dream because Chris, like many other Americans, wants to leave home and create a life of their own. Chris shows that he is very confident in is decision to marry Ann, because he will make it happen no matter what it takes, also showing the American Dream by those who want change doing anything that it takes to get it.
Responsibility In All My Sons
Responsibility In All My Sons
Chris: "Everything was being destroyed, see, but it seemed to me that one new thing was made. A kind of...responsibility. Man for man"(Miller 31)
In this quote, you can tell that Chris had the up most respect for all of the soldiers that he was at war with because they all took responsibility for one another and for another’s actions. He completely admires this responsibility because the soldiers were all willing to risk their lives for one another and sacrifice themselves, due to a special connection they had with each other. These actions displayed by the soldiers move Chris, because he is able to see what it is actually like for people to take upon responsibility for one another. Due to the situation between his father and Ann’s father, Joe did not follow through with his promise of taking any extra baggage and shame that went along with sending out the faulty parts, instead no one takes responsibility and the wrong man suffers the consequences. But, the soldiers whom he fought with were so courageous that they were willing to give a life for each other while fighting for freedom, while, as his father was unwilling to take the shame of killing men to keep his family together.
Chris: "I felt wrong to be alive, to open the bank book, to drive the new car, to see the new refrigerator. I mean you can take those things out of a war, but when you drive that car you've got to know that it came out of the love a man can have for a man, you've got to be a little better because of that." (Miller 31)
This quote shows how Chris’ extreme guilt from leaving the war. He believes that he should have been one to die, not others, because of the great life that he is living back home. While those whom are still in war are suffering and taking responsibility for the actions of others and died due to them. A lot of Chris’ fortune has come from working in his father’s factory, which is the place where the faulty parts had come from and killed numerous men. Chris also feels guilty because he feels as though he should be the one taking the responsibility from his father’s action, because he was one to face war up close and can understand how much responsibility and courage it takes to fight and die for one another.
Sue: "Who is he to ruin a man's life? Everyone knows Joe pulled a fast one to get out of jail"(Miller 38)
Sue Bayliss is a true believer that Joe was indeed responsible for the deaths of the soldiers and the crashes of the airplanes. She feels as though he should be suffering the consequences just like Steve is, being in jail, if that she believes, that Joe should be the only one in jail due to it being his decision to ship the parts, while as Steve had no choice but to do so. If Joe were anything like the man earlier in the play, who said he was going to take full and complete responsibility if when the sent the faulty parts was to backfire, he would be the jail and would probably feel better about himself knowing that he did what he said he was to do, face the consequences and took the responsibility upon his family by protecting them, like the family oriented man he is.
"George: [...] Dad was afraid. He wanted Joe there if he was going to do it. But Joe can't come down . . . he's sick. Sick! He suddenly gets the flu! Suddenly! But he promised to take responsibility." (Miller 46)
Here, Chris and George are talking about what they exactly believe happened with the faulty plane parts. Steve Deever ended up in jail due to the failed responsibility of his co-worker Joe. Joe had promised to take responsibility for the parts if they were to get caught, but he didn't. He faked being sick so he didn't have to own up to anything. This was wrong of him because he made a promise and then broke it. George is upset because all himself sticks his father in prison and Joe got a “free pass”, but he should have taken complete responsibility for his actions and come clean about the parts and his decision to ship them due to the sake of the business and his family.
Family in All My sons
Family in All My sons
Chris: "I've been a good son too long, a good sucker. I'm through with it." (Act 1: Line 215: Miller 15)
As Chris Keller says this to his father Joe Keller, he pronounces in an apparent way that he would like to break free from being a loyal son and family member and longs to become his own self. Chris shows that throughout most of his life he has done everything to please his family, but now he feels as though he is mature and ready enough to do things in order to please himself. As Chris is becoming older, he is tired of his family holding him back from things that he wishes to do such as getting married and starting a family of his own, as well as adventuring out to find things that he likes to do. Chris does not wish to disappoint his parents, because he knows how important the moral of family is to his father. However, after finding out what his dad did, Chris is so disturbed at what his father had done, that all he wishes to do is leave home and start fresh. Loyalty, which has always been apart of Chris himself, has finally shown itself as an obstacle that is in the way of Chris and his personal happiness.
Keller: I'm askin' you. What am I, a stranger? I thought I had a family here. What happened to my family? (Act 3: Line 45: Miller 62)
After Joe Keller has had an argument with his son Chris, over his decision with the plane parts he asks his wife Kate the question: What happened to my family? As he is speaking with Kate, she feels somewhat afraid that Chris will not return home, after he realized what his father had done. Joe who is very family oriented believes that no matter what situation or wrongdoing that either yourself or a family has overcome or has done, that the will be on your side no matter what. He also is a firm believer that family will never get mad at you for anything and will always be there to help you get through rough times. There are though, times, that someone family member or just even close friend does something that is so morally wrong, that everyone and even their own family turns against them because they did not believe that it was right. An example would be when Chris found out about what his father had done with the faulty parts and told him that he was extremely disappointed in him and wanted to move away. Joe was dumbfounded to see Chris leave after how loyal he was to the family, and especially astonished when his family did not stick with him throughout his tough time leaving him wondering exactly “happened to his family” and why they were falling apart; while the answer was right in front of him, himself and his actions.
Keller: "There's nothing he could do that I wouldn't forgive. Because he's my son. Because I'm his father and he's my son." (Act 3: Line 52: Miller 63)
This quote displays another of Joe Keller’s views on family. After reading this quote in the play, as a reader I was told by Joe that there would be nothing at all, that can come between both himself, his sons, and especially his family, that he would not forgive them for. Joe shows us his firm belief that forgiveness is a must in any situation no matter how minor or major the circumstances may be. By saying that he would forgive his son, because he is his son, shows that Joe would like the same attitude and beliefs as displayed by him also shown by his son Chris in return. Joe knows deep down that he is truly guilty, but he believes that he did the right thing for his family, so that deserves his family's forgiveness. But in the way he views his family and family in general, he seems to show that family is not only connected through relationships but, also by keeping tight and picking those up when the fall, make mistakes and need to be forgiven. That members in a family are codependent upon on another through their actions, and beliefs.
"Keller: [...] A father is a father" (Act 2: Line 162-166: Miller 42)
Here, Joe Keller is trying to make Annie realize that her father is her father, and even though Annie is very upset with her father because of what he did, he is a part of her family, but more importantly, her life. The main moral displayed throughout this short, but meaningful quote, is that you cannot pick your family, so whatever you are given, you must make the best out of it. All family members do bicker with each other every once in a while, but things should never become as serious as never wanting to talk to that certain person ever again. Family is always there for you no matter what, they know the most about you and they know things that other people don’t know about you, they will always be with you both physically and eventually spiritually from birth to death and then eventually when you reunite in the afterlife. Even though Ann does not want to deal with her father ever again, Joe wants her to recognize that family is the most important thing that you can have in the world. You will always have your family no matter where you go, because as the saying goes, “you’ll always find your way back home”, the place where you gain as much love, support, and forgiveness from the people in which you love.
Friday, 4 October 2019
Ignou Bag Cousre Study Material
Ignou Bag Cousre Study Material
Dear Students Of Ignou (Bag Courses).
I am an educator and am here to help you all with free notes and explanations.
You will soon get the study material on our website.
Keep visiting!
Also you can view our explanation videos on our youtube channel for free at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzorMIWx9zOR2YNyOPK7wIA
Thursday, 3 October 2019
Tuesday, 1 October 2019
BEGE 145 Soft Skills
BEGE 145 Soft Skills
What ARE Soft Skills?
Soft skills are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients, among others, that enable people to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills.The Collins English Dictionary defines the term "soft skills" as "desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive flexible attitude."
Soft skills are a cluster of productive personality traits that characterize one's relationships in a milieu. These skills can include social graces, communication abilities, language skills, personal habits, cognitive or emotional empathy, time management, teamwork and leadership traits. A definition based on review literature explains soft skills as an umbrella term for skills under three key functional elements: people skills, social skills, and personal career attributes.
[National Business Education Association deems soft skills as critical for being industrious in today’s workplace.Soft skills complement hard skills also known as technical skills, for productive workplace performance and everyday life competencies (Arkansas Department of Education, 2007). Hard skills were the only skills necessary for career employment and were generally quantifiable and measurable from educational background, work experience or through interview.[citation needed] In the 21st century, soft skills are a major differentiator, a sine qua non for employability and success in life.
A study conducted by Harvard University noted that 80% of achievements in career are determined by soft skills and only 20% by hard skills. Experts say soft skills training should begin for a person when they are students, to perform efficiently in their academic environment as well as in their future workplace.[citation needed] A public interest study conducted by McDonald’s in UK predicted over half a million people will be held back from job sectors by 2020 due to lack of soft skills.
BAG Study Material English Download ON Student Help
All BA Courses, B.Com and All B.Sc. courses are changed. Hence most of the students are worried about the books and new study materials for these subjects. Here we will provide you books for New Ignou Syllabus for BAG Course which you can download and start your studies-
Bachelor of Arts : BAG
1 BANC 132 Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology
2 BANC 133 Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthropology
3 BANC 134 Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology
4 BANC 131 Anthropology and Research Methods
English (BA ENGLISH) Each Subject has 6 Credits
BEGC 131 Individual & Society
BEGC 132 Selections From Indian Writing: Cultural DiversityBEGC 133 British LiteratureBEGC 134 Reading The Novel BEGLA 135 English In Daily Life BEGLA 136 English At The Work Place BEGLA 137 Language Through Literature BEGLA 138 Reading And Speaking Skills
English (Each Subject = 4 Credits)
BEGE 141 Understanding Prose Was Bege 105BEGE 142 Understanding Drama Was Bege 107BEGE 143 Understanding Poetry Was Bege 106BEGE 145 Soft Skills New Addition
English (Each Subject below is = 4 Credits) BEGS 183 Writing And Study SkillsBEGS 185 English Language Teaching BEGS 186 Business Communication
English (Each Subject is = 6 Credits)
BEGG 171 Media and Communication SkillsBEGG 172 Language and Linguistics BEGG 173 Academic Writing & Composition BEGG 174 Creative Writing
Discipline-wise List of Courses for BAG |Ignou Courses | Student Help
Discipline-wise List of Courses for BAG
The lists of courses from different Disciplines available under each of the five categories [Core Courses (CC), Discipline Specific Electives (DSE), Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC), Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), and Generic Electives (GE)] are given in the following tables:
Bachelor of Arts (BAG) IGNOU Courses
CBCS Based Bachelor’s Degree Programmes The University has launched three Bachelor's Degree Programmes- Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science- under the Choice Based Credit System. These are broad based prorammes with a mix of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and skill-based courses. Each programme has 24 courses totalling 132 credits.
Dear Students Of Ignou (Bag Courses).
I am an educator and am here to help you all with free notes and explanations.You will soon get the study material on our website.Keep visiting!Also you can view our explanation videos on our youtube channel for free at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzorMIWx9zOR2YNyOPK7wIA
Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences (BLIS) (Revised) School of Social Sciences (SOSS)
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) School of Social Work (SOSW)
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) School of Social Work (SOSW)
The BachelorDegreeProgrammeinSocialWork(BSW)is meant for people who are interested in providing professional assistance to people in need.
Persons with professional training/degree in Social Work generally work in socially relevant areas such as health care, community development, education, industry, counselling, family, correction, social defense, women, children, disability etc.
With globalization, market economy and liberalization, new concerns andhumanproblemsare emerging
which needs to be addressed.This programme will be particularly useful to people employed at middle and lower levels with NGOs.
It will also be useful to fresh candidates who may like to worki ns ocial and social welfare sectors. Eligibility:10+2 or its equivalentor BPPfrom IGNOU
Mediumof Instruction:English&Hindi
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 14,400/- for full programme to be paid year wise @ Rs.4,800/- per year. ProgrammeDetails:
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS) | Ignou 2019 New Updates
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS)
The basicobjective oftheprogramme is to opena channel ofadmissionforcomputingcourses forstudents,who have done the 10+2 and are interestedin taking computing/IT as a career.
Afteracquiring the Bachelor’s Degree (BCA) at IGNOU, there is further educational opportunity to go for an MCA at IGNOU or Master’s Programme at any other University/Institute
.Also aftercompleting BCA Programme,a student shouldbe able to get entry level job inthe field of Information Technology or ITES. Eligibility: 10+2oritsequivalent Mediumof Instruction:English
Duration: Minimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee Structure: Rs. 36,000/- for full programme to be paid Semester wise @Rs. 6,000/- per semester
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