Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Q. Discuss the factors responsible for the decline of trade in Post Gupta Period

Q. Discuss the factors responsible for the decline of trade in Post Gupta Period

A. Indian foreign trade reached its peak during the post-Mauryan period and trading declined both internal and external Post Gupta period. Some of the factors responsible for the decline were -
1) The decline of the Roman Empire had a devastating impact on trade with India. There is no evidence of Roman and other western coins excavated suggesting the complete collapse of trade with the west.
2) The emergence of the Arabs and the Persians as competitors in trade did not augur well for Indian merchants who couldn’t compete with them.
3) Silk and spices were important items in the Indo-Byzantine trade however by the middle of the sixth century A.D. the Byzantium learned the art of growing silkworms thus badly affecting the trade.
4) Unlike before the Gupta ties with Central Asia were weak and Whatever little remained of the contacts with Central Asia and Western Asia were completely wiped off by the Huna invasions severely affecting the trade. The decline of trade was just not limited to foreign trade. Long-distance internal trade too suffered owing to the weakening of links between coastal towns and the interior towns and further between towns and villages. The decay of towns and shrinkage in urban commodity production and the decline of trade were related problems. The decline of the status of traders and merchants in society during this period also indicates the falling fortunes of trade and commerce. The rise of numerous self-sufficient units dominated by landed beneficiaries also had an adverse effect on trade. In fact, the Kathasaritasagara, a later work, suggests that traders moved through forests to avoid the multiple payments of duties. Sea voyages and long-distance travel were taboo. Such attitudes surely did not promote the cause of trade.

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