Monday, 26 August 2019

Introduction to The Binding Vine

Introduction to The  Binding Vine
In English literature, novels play a major role. Novels are nothing but the Fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing various characters and actions with some degree of realism. We find various types of novels, i.e. romantic, fictitious, non- fictitious, etc., which introduce us about various stories written by the authors. In this chapter, we will study about the genre and aspects of the novel The Binding Vine". It is the second novel of Shashi Deshpande, the writer. The writer depicts mainly the female world through this novel but it doesn't mean that the male characters are absent in her novels rather it is the world n which women suffer from numerous kinds of losses and have to learn to cope with these losses. In this chapter, we will study "The Binding Vine' thoroughly, its themes like, feminism, love and marriage and human relationships and her art of characterisation. Lastly, we will also study about the. technique and structure used by Deshpande.
The plot of The Binding Vine is intricate. It has three strands running parallel. These are the stories of three women, different in age and time. Kalpana who is unconscious, Mira who is dead and Urmi who discovers life's meaning through the stories of Kalpana and Mira.

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