Saturday, 1 June 2019

BEGE-108 JUNE 2019 Question Paper.

BEGE-108 JUNE 2019 Question Paper.

 Time: 3 hours
Note: Question no. 1 is compulsory.
 Attempt any five questions.
 All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2x10-20
 (a) Types of Plot
 (b) Types of Characters
(c) New Areas of Novel Writing
(d) Methods of Characterisation
 2. Discuss The Awakening as a feminist text. 20
 3. Analyse critically Dicken's representation of the French Revolution on the basis of your reading of A Tale of Two Cities. 20
4. Explain the specific features that make Things Fall Apart a modern classic. 20
5. Write a detailed note on the notion of patriarchy as one of the major themes in the novel Sunlight on A Broken Column.20
 6. Examine Paraja as a novel translated into English.20

 7. Does the novel have a future in the age of technology? 20

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