Saturday, 17 October 2020

Confusion shame remorse despair At once his bossom swell The damps of death bedewed his brow The damps of death bedewed his brow He shook he groaned he fell


Confusion shame remorse despair

At once his bossom swell

The damps of death bedewed his brow

The damps of death bedewed his brow

He shook he groaned he fell,scanscion,bege 106,poetry,

Thy way not mine o lord However dark it be Lead me with thine own hand Choose out the path for me


Thy way not mine o lord 

However dark it be

Lead me with thine own hand

Choose out the path for me,bege 106,scanscion,

The way was long the wind was cold The minstrel was infirm and old


The way was long the wind was cold 

The minstrel was infirm and old,bege 106,scancion,

In woods a ranger To joy a stranger poetry Scanscion


In woods a ranger

To joy a stranger 

I put /my hat/ upon /my head And walked/ into/ the strand And there/ I met ano/ ther man Whose hat /was in/ his hand,scanscion,bege 106, poetry,


I put /my hat/ upon /my head And walked/ into/ the strand And there/ I met ano/ ther man Whose hat /was in/ his hand.

With ravished ears the monarch hears assumes the God affects to nod and seems to shake the spheres Bege 106 Scanscion


With ravished ears the monarch hears assumes the God affects to nod and seems to shake the spheres Bege 106 Scanscion

Bege Scanscion Post 1


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